International Labour Day 2023: Theme, Quotes,History,Significance

SA News Channel
6 min readApr 30, 2023


Last Updated on 30 April 2023, 12:26 PM IST | International Labour Day 2023: Several nations on separate days commemorate International Labour Day (International Workers’ Day or Workers’ Day or Labour Day) for the workforce, be it “ Blue collared or White collared”. But India and many other nations observe this day on May 1st. In this article, the readers would learn the forecast of saint of millennium Rampal Ji Maharaj, how the Sat-Gyan and Sat-Bhakti will bring the Golden Age within the Iron Age by ending our sufferings.

The educated, skilled, or unskilled people working at several places are known as workers or labourers.1st May is the day of celebration for these people every year. International Labor Day or World Workers Day or May Day associates particularly to the achievements, the sheer hard work of the labourers.

International Workers’ Day or World Workers’ Day is celebrated on different days across countries. Most nations commemorate the day’s celebration on May 1st. In 1889, Marxist International Socialist Congress announced this day which convened in Paris and founded the Second International as a successor to the earlier International Workingmen’s Association.

Social Research: अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मज़दूर दिवस (International Labour Day) पर एक नजर | कैसा होता है मजदूरों का जीवन? | देखें SA NEWS की ख़ास पेशकश

- SA News Channel (@SatlokChannel) May 2, 2021

International Labours/ Workers Day has a separate theme for each year. But till writing the blog this year 2023 finds no new theme and thus is most likely to continue with the 2021 theme unless declared separately. The theme of International Labour Day 2021 was “maintaining safety and security at the workplace” to raise awareness about the Coronavirus pandemic .

The Occupational Safety Health and Working Conditions Code (OSHWC Code), 2020 of Section-2(zzl) defines with exceptions a worker as:

“any person employed in any establishment to do any manual, unskilled, skilled, technical, operational, clerical or supervisory work for hire or reward, whether the terms of employment be express or implied, and includes working journalists as well as sales promotion employees.”

International labour/workers’ day is celebrated across the globe with great enthusiasm. Different nations have different reasons to observe International Workers’ Day. But the mutual consensus has been to take up an issue of exploitation of the labourers.

  • For the first time, the day was commemorated on 4th May 1886 when the Haymarket Massacre in Chicago took place. The local workers did a strike on their eight-hour workday demand.
  • Since then, the day celebration has been redefined as May Day on an annual basis. In 1889, the announcement was made in a meeting in Paris. Raymond Lavigne in his proposal reiterated the need to demonstrate an international celebration of the Chicago protests. As a result May Day was announced formally in the year 1891 to be celebrated as a global annual event.
  • It started from April 1856, when Australian stonemasons commenced a crowd demonstration to impose eight hourly working hours a day system. There was a general strike for the eight-hour workday in that year starting on 1 May. On 4th & 5th May, many policemen and civilians were killed in the fight.
  • On May 1, 1890, the call encouraged May Day demonstrations to take place in the United States and most countries in Europe. Demonstrations were also held in Chile and Peru.
  • 1st May became a yearly commemoration, inspiring American workers to have their first stoppage on the day. 1 May was selected to observe International Workers’ Day to mark the 1886 Haymarket affair in Chicago.
  • May Day is an invaluable holiday observed in many communists for example China, North Korea, Cuba and the former Russian nations. These nations commemorate May Day by organizing workforce parades.
  • In 1955, the Catholic Church devoted 1 May to Saint Joseph who was the patron saint of workers and craftsmen. Nowadays several nations observe labour day or workers’ day on the first of May.
  • US industrialists were inhuman with the working labour class people by putting them for 15 hours day to day in their industries. The suffering labourers had to join each other on May 1, 1886 to make a huge revolution against the industrialist’s merciless behavior at work.
  • The First May Day in India was initially observed in Madras (presently Chennai) on May 1, 1923, by the Labour Kisan Party of Hindustan. It was for the first time in Indian history when the Red Flag symbolized Labour Day.
  • There is another significance of the day in India since on this day in 1960 Bombay State divided to create two states Maharashtra and Gujarat and accordingly both the states celebrate this day.
  • The workers or the Labourers put hard work at the workplace. They have wonderful ideas for improving work efficiency and future developments. The day gives them an opportunity to listen, value their innovative ideas by their management as well as the society. They do not remain merely stamped with a tag of labour but become a part of management by participation.
  • It is a day to recognize the skills of Labours or workers who develop over time their experience on a real working platform. They do not require higher formal education but to formalize their experiences into work practices.
  • It is a day for encouraging the laborers on May 1 as the International Workers Day or World Labor Day every year. The day also reminds us that it is not for only a single day celebration but treating them well for the whole year in order to optimize targets and improve the practices.

On May 1, we can celebrate World Workers’ Day in several ways. The people at large and the society encourage labourers by organizing events for them where the workforce may be served to perform certain activities by themselves for education, fun, happiness, entertainment, and learning. They can rest on this day provided they have holiday in their region and also they spend time on their own.

Also Read: Real Intellect on World Intellectual Property Rights Day

Labourers can also share their thoughts, views, and recommendations and are given the opportunity to express needs and wants for their betterment and working conditions. It is the day to eliminate any sort of discrimination and treat them with dignity in the society.

  • “International solidarity is not an act of charity: It is an act of unity between allies fighting on different terrains toward the same objective.” Samora Machel
  • “A man is not paid for having a head and hands, but for using them” -Elbert Hubbard
  • “All labour that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence” — Martin Luther King Jr.
  • “It is labour indeed that puts the difference on everything” — John Locke
  • “Labor is the only prayer that Nature answers.” Robert Green Ingersoll

The Saint of the millennium Jagadguru Rampal Ji Maharaj has forecasted about the arrival of the Satyayuga (Golden Age) period in the Kaliyuga (Iron Age). This Golden Age will be for one thousand years lasting its impact for the coming thousands of years. Moreover, the impact of the Golden Age will remain fifty percent for the next Two Hundred Thousand years and thirty percent for One Hundred and Thirty Thousand years.

The people will use handmade clothes. They will use pottery and steel utensils made in small factories run by man operated equipment. There will be a substantial increase in animal husbandry. All human beings will unite to make the land fertile.

No wealthy person will be high and mighty. The rich people will donate funds for a good cause. The people who will pileup wealth will be treated as fools. They will be convinced with wisdom to live simple lives and such people will abide by this practice. The people living with simplicity and doing devotion and charity, will be admired by the society at length. The American and British dominated western culture will gradually vanish.

Take refuge at the lotus feet of Tatvdarshi Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj. Adopt Sat-Bhakti from Him, practice it and follow the instruction of morality in worldly life. The prime time is approaching and the sufferings are to be eliminated. The Golden Age of one thousand years is an opportunity for all imprisoned souls to be free from Kaal Brahm’s trap . The souls will go back to their original home forever and no incarnation and reincarnation transmigration will take place. Spare a little time every day and practice what is ideal to be practiced for realizing the eternal matter in one human life.

Take initiation (Naam Diksha) from Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj by filling the initiation form . The readers maydownload the Sacred book Gyan Ganga and visit Satlok Ashram YouTube Channel for in-depth eternal truth.

Originally published at on April 30, 2023.



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