Good Friday 2023 Date: Story, Facts, Quotes, Bible, Jesus Christ

SA News Channel
6 min readApr 6, 2023


Last Updated on 6 April 2023, 10:25 PM IST: Good Friday is the day observed by numerous people from Christianity and other religions throughout the globe. On this day Jesus was falsely convicted of crimes he didn’t commit and he was spat on his face and was beaten and many people struck him with the palms of their hands (slapped him) and later was crucified on the cross of Calvary. This year it will be observed on Friday, 7th April 2023.

  • Jesus Christ was the founder of Christianity.
  • Good Friday is observed before Easter remembering the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ
  • The Orthodox calendar may have Good Friday on some other date
  • Traditional Christian creeds believe that Jesus was crucified “under Pontius Pilate”
  • Later version says the Jews planned to remove Jesus forever by putting false cases and sending him to the crucifixion
  • Orthodox Jewish Bible (Iyov 36:5 OJB) says the name of the Almighty is God Kabir.
  • Satguru Rampal ji Maharaj is presently the messenger of Complete God Kabir.

Jesus Christ was the founder of Christianity. He was a Jew by birth. According to the Christian Bible, Mary was chosen to bear a child of the Holy spirit.

An angel came in the dream of Joseph and ordered him that he must take Mary as his wife, as she was supposed to conceive the child of the Holy Spirit. He was asked to name the child Jesus and he will save his people from their sins.

Some countries commemorate the Friday before Easter to observe the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ. Many countries have declared a national holiday on this day. The people who follow the Orthodox calendar, for them Good Friday may fall on some other date. However, this year it is falling on 7th April 2023 in India.

This day is a bittersweet day for the Christian community. As it is a mournful day, it’s a sacred, pious & holy day as well. On this day Jesus was crucified & he died in agony on the cross of Calvary.

■ Read in Hindi: Good Friday: गुड फ्राइडे पर जानिए किस परमेश्वर के पुत्र थे यीशु?

Christians believe on this day the Son of GOD died & he resurrected after three days on Easter Sunday. Good Friday’s other names are Black Friday, or holy Friday & even Easter Friday. The “Good Friday” name is popular among the Western European and North American Christians. The Eastern Orthodox Christians call it “Great and Holy Friday”. Latin nations call it “Holy Friday”, Slavic people call it “Great Friday”, the German peoples call it “Friday of Mourning” and Norway people call it “Long Friday”.

“Good Friday” name may look odd for a day observed for a terrible crucifixion, but Jesus followers believe:

  • “Good” is an adjective which is an Old English synonym for “holy.”
  • “Good” is a corruption of the word “God,” and the name is derived from ‘God’s Friday’.
  • “Good” marks Christ’s victory over sin, death, and the devil.

However, there are different stories regarding the crucifixion of Jesus Christ but the most practical one is revealed here. We all know Jesus was starting to become popular amongst people because of some of his supernatural powers which made him rise from the crowd. And witnessing his rise Jewish religious leaders weren’t comfortable at all as it was killing their source of income and popularity.

The Roman empire had no interest in killing or executing Jesus whatsoever. However, it was presented in such a way before the court of law that they sentenced him to death. Trumped up charges of blasphemy (act of showing or insulting the contempt for God) were put against him as charges of sedition and he was found guilty. And an emperor would sentence the harshest punishment against charges of sedition. And therefore he sentenced him for crucifixion.

The Bible specifically doesn’t say anything about Good Friday, but it definitely talks about the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. There is a mention of such an event in the Holy bible in certain chapters which are as follows

  • Matthew Chapter 27:1 & 2
  • Mark Chapter 10:34
  • Matthew Chapter 12:40
  • Romans chapter 5:6 & 7

Mark Chapter 9: For teaching his disciples and said to them, “the son of man is being betrayed into the hands of men, and they will kill him. And after he is killed. He will rise on the third day.

As it is the day on which Jesus got crucified it is regarded as the day of mourning so silence is deemed necessary. Meeting people, family, friends is kept to a minimum or quietly, mostly black clothing is worn as attending a funeral. On this day Catholics avoid eating meat and alcohol & stick with a vegetarian diet. Some people even keep fast. It begins on Ash Wednesday, 40 day fast prior to Easter (Sundays are kept out) ; it’s an imitation to the wilderness fasting of Christ. However, after a few days on Easter Sundays people are found to be enjoying and doing parties as a mark of celebrations. Although these all are prohibited under the law of the Almighty God.

Historically, there is no specific date since when Good Friday started, as the influence of christianity started to flourish more & more. The observance of Good Friday increased. It is believed that after the crucifixion of Jesus, from 100 CE to 200 CE the followers of Christian faith started to observe the martyred day of Jesus Christ as Good Friday. During these days people remained in mourning & observed fasting.

Firstly, it is very important for us to know & understand who is the Supreme GOD unto whom Jesus keeps on calling my father in heaven. It is written in the ORTHODOX JEWISH BIBLE Iyov 36:5 OJB

■ Also Read: Supreme God in Christianity According to the Bible

See, El is Kabir ( mighty), and despiseth not any; He is Kabir in ko’ach lev ( strength of understanding).

This proves God’s name is KABIR. He is the Father of Jesus Christ & of us all. There is evidence in Holy Scriptures like Vedas, Srimad Bhagavad Gita, etc that whenever there is decline of righteousness & uprise of sins, injustice, unlawfulness, crimes & path of devotion is distorted by the contemporary saints, priests, & teachers (gurus) God either comes Himself or He sends His most knowledgeable saint again to establish the righteousness by means of True knowledge. He explains the path of devotion according to the scriptures. One can identify such an event happening; when the religious teachers, gurus, or priests start to oppose His teachings & try their best to mislead the Governments & the people, & inflict atrocities on Him. KABIR Sahib says in His Scared speech that:-

Jo Maam Sant Sat Shabd Dridaave ,Vake Sang Sab Raad Bhadaave |Aise Sant Mehant ki Karni, Dharamdas Main Tose Varni ||

Supreme God Kabir Sahib Ji is explaining to His dear disciple Dharmdas in His speech that the Saint of mine who will tell the path of true devotion, all the religious teachers, mahants & priests will quarrel with Him. This will be one of His identities.

In today’s world this has happened with only one Saint & He is Satguru Rampal ji Maharaj from Haryana (INDIA).

When Satguru Rampal ji Maharaj was preaching in accordance with our holy scriptures such as Vedas, Gita ji, Quran, Bible, Guru Granth Sahib, the local religious leaders, teachers, gurus, priests, started misleading the people & wrongfully instigating the Government against Complete Saint of God Kabir, Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj .

It has been written and testified in Holy Srimad Bhagavad Gita chapter 15:1–4 which tells in detail about the identification of enlightened sage. He has been successfully explaining the creation of the universe in accordance with the verses as said of an upside down tree. Not only this the disciples of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj have been experiencing the benefits from Him that a God gives to his devotees through His Complete Saint. So there is no doubt that He is the only enlightened sage on earth currently. One can always download Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj App and read the Sacred Book “Gyan Ganga” which will enlighten the path of knowledge.

Originally published at on April 6, 2023.



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